How Manual Therapy Impacts Brain Health

The brain is the most complex and fascinating part of our body, still holding many undiscovered secrets. Nothing we know about the brain is certain, and the deeper we look, the more we find underneath. In the past, manual therapy has not paid much attention to direct intervention with this vital organ. Now, emerging research and pioneering practitioners are unveiling the profound impact that hands-on techniques can have on brain health and overall well-being. In the last decade, Jean Pierre Barral, a prominent figure in the field of osteopathy, has spearheaded investigations into the potential of manual manipulation of the brain. Building upon the foundational work of the founder of Craniosacral Osteopathy, William Sutherland, who first recognized subtle movements within the skull, JP Barral has developed innovative treatment approaches aimed at unlocking the brain’s innate capacity for healing. I recently attended one of his classes in San Francisco. It all starts with acknowledging the brain’s remarkable complexity. The brain, thanks to its characteristic folds, covers a total surface area of 2.4m². Despite being only 2% of our body weight, the […]

Horses don’t scream

In nature horses live and travel together as a group and are more likely to survive as a herd. As prey animals they are targeted by predators and it is their instinct to run away from potential threats. It is a natural process that weaker and slower animals will end up at the periphery of the group, fall behind and have less chances to survive. Simply put, horses have learned to ignore pain in order to keep up with the rest of the herd. We as humans have to remember that horses evolved to be excellent in masking pain. Those stoic animals have mastered their ability to hide their vulnerabilities in order to survive. Horses are a magical combination of power, personality and intuition. No wonder we are so fascinated by their presence. They easily sense and feel our energy, they pick up on our emotions and even read our intents. We have to be fully present, leave our dramas at the door and take a deep breath before we interact with them. This is the only way to build […]

Strolling under the skin

Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of Osteopathy, mentioned the importance of fascia in his early writings. Fascia, also known as Connective Tissue, is a continuous network of fibers that extends through out our whole body and fills all the space there is. These fibers are short or long, branch off in all directions and seem completely disorganized. They may are woven close together or run far apart, are loose or packed tight together. But this network of fibers is by far more than just filling material or padding. Fascia surrounds and connects anatomical structures like muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, organs etc. and does its best to adapt to accidents, surgeries, traumas, bad habits or our sedentary lifestyle. The understanding of fascia/connective tissue is necessary in order to comprehend the dynamic balance of the human body. Jean- Claude Guimberteau, an MD and Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon, used video endoscopy to investigate fascia in the living body. In his video – Strolling under the Skin – he allows us an impressive insight into the importance of connective tissue.Dive into a different world and […]

About Surfing, Concussions and Head injuries

A couple days ago, big wave surfer Paige Alms was talking about concussions and brain injuries on the waterpeople podcast 1. She inspired me to share my knowledge and to introduce some effective treatment options for injuries to the brain, head and neck. My research led to many stories about big wave surfers struggling to recover from serious concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Mercedes Maidana got hit by her board in the forehead, Shawn Dollar broke his neck on a boulder under water, Jeremy Flores hit the reef, 15-year-old Harley Taich was smashed onto hard-packed sand and Owen Wright barely survived a wipeout at pipeline with a brain bleed and a concussion. The list could go on and on; for most of the injured surfers the healing process is very challenging and takes month if not years. You do not need to be a pro-surfer riding the biggest waves out there in order to get serious traumatic impacts to your head, neck or chest. All surfers are risk-taking athletes and often get hurt in the process of expanding their […]

Remote Healing Sessions

“In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.” Albert Einstein The recent pandemic changed our daily routines and gave most of us the chance to reflect on our lives, our relationships, and how we spend our time. Social distancing forced us to reach out to friends, neighbors and clients in different ways and thanks to improved technology we can easily stay in touch with each other over far distances. The social limitations within the covid crisis opened new doors and allowed my practice to grow in a new direction. My clients asked me to provide phone consultations and remote healing session. Which turned out to be a very fascinating and efficient healing tool. In my Medical Intuition and Energy Healing training, I learned to reach out to people on an energetic level. We can use universal energies and our intuition to connect and to facilitate healing without any physical contact. Intuitive insights allow us to look at our lives from a different perspective and help us to understand our physical challenges and emotional struggles. Healing on the energetic level addresses our spiritual […]